Tutorial Of Domino potatoes with a twist Tasty

The Recipe For Making Domino potatoes with a twist.

Domino potatoes with a twist You can make Domino potatoes with a twist using 5 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Domino potatoes with a twist

  1. Fill 5 of normal size potatoes.
  2. Mix 100 ml of heavy cream.
  3. Add 100 g of smoked cheese.
  4. Mix 1 tbsp of mixed spices.
  5. Add 6 of bay leaves.

Quick Step To Make Domino potatoes with a twist

  1. Slice the peeled potatoes really thin and organise them well in the glass pan, put bay leaves between the potatoes.
  2. Mix the heavy cream with the spice mix (any mixed spices work),and pour it on the potatoes.Put slices of smoked cheese between the potatoes.
  3. My spice mix consist of indian, french, mexican etc spice mixes, but any mix will work well.
  4. Put the potatoe in the oven for 1 hour, on grade 3 or 4 in gas oven or 200 degrees celsius in electric. After one hour put the oven to grade 6 to make the top crispy.

That's how to make Domino potatoes with a twist Recipe.


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