How To Make Salmon Chowder Delicious

The Recipe For Making Salmon Chowder.

Salmon Chowder You can make Salmon Chowder using 16 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Salmon Chowder

  1. Add 3 cans of pink salmon.
  2. Fill 1 (32 oz) of vegetable broth.
  3. Insert 1 bag of frozen sweet corn.
  4. Add of Potatoes (any kind i used mini ones and cut them in thirds).
  5. Prepare 2-3 table spoon of corn starch.
  6. Insert of Garlic powder to taste.
  7. Prepare of Onion powder to taste.
  8. Fill of Salt.
  9. Prepare of Pepper.
  10. Add of Fish seasoning.
  11. Mix of Juice from the canned salmon.
  12. Fill of Sweet onion (as much as you want).
  13. Add of Minced garlic (as much as you want).
  14. Prepare Stick of butter.
  15. Insert of Rosemary.
  16. Mix 2 of bay leaves.

Easy Way To Make Salmon Chowder

  1. Drain the salmon from the juice. Peel the salmon apart directly in the middle to pull out the bones. Be gentle enough that the bones don’t crumble it’s ok if they do they are soft so you can eat them, i just wanted to take them out. Reserve the juice to add flavor later. Set both the salmon and juice aside..
  2. In your pot chop and add your onion and garlic 1/4 stick butter. Sweat that down. Pour 1 cup of vegetable broth in to deglaze the pot. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir occasionally. Add half your fish juice and potatoes. Cook on medium until half way tender..
  3. Once your potatoes are half done add your Seasoning. I’m a black queen so I sprinkle until ancestors tell me stop. The best thing to do is sprinkle and taste add more if you need it. If i had some old bay i would’ve used that too. Add your salmon and some more of the fish juice leaving a couple ounces to mix your corn starch. Stir and simmer 15 minutes..
  4. Thicken to your liking. I wanted a chowder like texture. So i used about 2 or 3 table spoons of cornstarch mix with remaining fish juice and add to pot. If you don’t have cornstarch use some instant mashed potatoes. Just mix potatoes with water or fish juice microwave then add to pot..

That's how to make Salmon Chowder Recipe.


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