How To Cook Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy.

Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy You can make Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy using 10 ingredients in 9 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy

  1. Add 1 of kilo Pork Belly.
  2. Prepare 1000 ml of broth or stock.
  3. Fill 1 of onion.
  4. Prepare 2 of medium cabbage (quartered).
  5. Prepare 3 of medium peeled potato.
  6. Prepare 4 pieces of saba banana.
  7. Fill of Pechay.
  8. Insert 1 of corn round cut.
  9. Mix 5 grams of pepper.
  10. Add of Salt to taste.

Easy Way To Make Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy

  1. Heat cooking oil in a deep pot..
  2. Once oil is hot saute the onion..
  3. Put in the pork. Cook until the color turns to brown..
  4. Pour in the pork broth.Bring to boil. Simmer for 45 to 60 Minutes or until pork is tender..
  5. Add the banana saba, potato for 10 minutes or until potato is tender..
  6. Add the cabbage and pechay for 3 minutes..
  7. Add salt and pepper to taste..
  8. Transfer to serving bowl with spicy soysauce..
  9. Sip the soup and enjoy!.

That's how to make Chef Ruth's Nilagang Baboy Recipe.


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