Recipe of “Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes So Easy

The Recipe For Making “Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes.

“Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes You can make “Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes using 9 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make “Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes

  1. Insert 2-3 pieces of salmon.
  2. Fill of Asparagus.
  3. Insert of Sweet potatoes.
  4. Add of Hollandaise sauce.
  5. Mix 2 of egg yolks.
  6. Prepare 1 tsp of lemon juice.
  7. Add of Salt.
  8. Mix of Pepper.
  9. Fill of Olive oil.

Step By Step To Make “Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes

  1. Whisk the 2 egg yolk “vigorously” until foam. Add the lemon juice and olive oil, salt and pepper and whisk some more 🤓.
  2. In a non sticky pan, in the highest temperature, add some drops of olive oil and with the skin downwards pan fry for 5-7 minutes..
  3. Pan fry the sweet potatoes and the asparagus too in the same pan.
  4. Decorate the plate as you like. I did mine without any toothpick or similar... took me 20 minutes to stack these 😬.
  5. Pour the hollandaise sauce on the salmon and serve 🎉.

That's how to make “Gourmet(ish)” salmon with asparagus and sweet potatoes Recipe.


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