Recipe of Aloo paratha So Easy

The Recipe For Making Aloo paratha.

Aloo paratha You can make Aloo paratha using 10 ingredients in 12 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Aloo paratha

  1. Mix 4 of large potatoes.
  2. Insert of Whole wheat.
  3. Insert 1/2 tbsp of red chilli powder.
  4. Fill 1/4 tbsp of garam masala powder.
  5. Prepare 1/2 tbsp of amchur powder.
  6. Mix 2 tbsp of finely chopped coriander leaves.
  7. Fill 1 of finely chopped onions.
  8. Add 1 tbsp of mustard oil.
  9. Add 1/2 tbsp of salt.
  10. Prepare 1 tbsp of ghee.

Step By Step To Make Aloo paratha

  1. Making the dough - take 2 cups whole wheat, add 1/2 salt, 1 tbsp ghee, and some water.
  2. Mix everything well and make a soft dough. Keep aside the dough for 20-30mins..
  3. Making the mashed potatoes - first cook 4 potatoes in a pressure cooker for 3-4 whistles..
  4. After sometime when the pressure is down, drain the water and allow the potatoes to become cool..
  5. Now peel and mash the boiled potatoes. Mash it properly..
  6. Now add chopped onions, green chillies, garam masala, dry mango (amchur) powder, red chilli powder, salt to taste. Now add 1-2 tbsp of finely chopped coriander and mix everything well..
  7. Now make small balls from the dough, roll the small balls and make it like small chapati..
  8. Place the potato stuffing in the middle and join the pleats together..
  9. Now roll to smoothen out the dough. Make sure the thickness is uniform..
  10. The last step is to roast the paratha on a hot tawa..
  11. Spread ghee on the paratha and flip the parathas on both the sides..
  12. When you see crisp brown spots on the aloo paratha that means they are ready to be served..

That's how to make Aloo paratha Recipe.


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