Recipe of Lumpiang Gulay Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Lumpiang Gulay.

Lumpiang Gulay You can make Lumpiang Gulay using 10 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Lumpiang Gulay

  1. Mix 1 of egg.
  2. Mix of Carrot.
  3. Fill of Cabbage.
  4. Fill of Potato.
  5. Add of Spring rolll wrapper.
  6. Fill of Soy.
  7. Insert of Oyster sauce.
  8. Prepare of Black pepper.
  9. Mix of Onion.
  10. Prepare of Some French beans.

Easy Way To Make Lumpiang Gulay

  1. Wash and sliced allbthe veggies intobthin slices.Set aside.Separate wrapper one by one and save for later use..
  2. Sautee onion and all the veggies and season with soy and oyster sauce then continue to cook until half done.Then sprinkle with black peppeelr.Remove from wok and let it cool down..
  3. When its ready scoop one tbsp and place in the middle of wrapper and start to roll.Seal the edge by brushing with egg..
  4. Then heat wok and add and slowly fry it.Seeve it with vinegar or ketchup (optional).

That's how to make Lumpiang Gulay Recipe.


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