Recipe of Breakfast Bites Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Breakfast Bites.

Breakfast Bites You can make Breakfast Bites using 6 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Breakfast Bites

  1. Insert 800 grams of Potatoes.
  2. Prepare 170 grams of Sweet Onion.
  3. Prepare 150 grams of Sweet Peppers.
  4. Add 100 grams of Mushroom.
  5. Add of Large Eggs 8 eggs.
  6. Insert of Butter Flavored Cooking Spray.

Easy Way To Make Breakfast Bites

  1. Microwave potatoes with skin on for 5 minutes (2 large around 800 grams). Than cut into med to small diced.
  2. Add potatoes to all other rustic cut vegetables into a cast iron skillet over low heat until done to the way you like them. Take off heat.
  3. Add 8 eggs to measuring cup with a pour spout with an Immersion Blender whip till frothy (want a lot of air incorporated into eggs as possible). Whip each time you get ready to add eggs to another pan of bites..
  4. In mini muffin pan. Add around 20 grams of vegetable mixture, and top it off flush with eggs..
  5. Cook at 400° in air frier oven for 10 minutes with muffin pan in the air frier basket.

That's how to make Breakfast Bites Recipe.


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